Tag: Brexit

Brexit: Good News Regarding Transfers of Personal Data from the EEA to the UK
What has happened? The draft UK-EU post-Brexit Trade Deal provides that transfers of data to the UK from EU Member States will not be treated as “restricted transfers” to a non-EU country for a period of up to six months from January 1, 2021. This will also apply to transfers to […]

Data Protection and Brexit: Key Areas to Consider
For better or for worse: 2020 is shortly coming to an end. This means that the end of the Brexit transition period is also just around the corner. Background On December 31, 2020, the post-Brexit transitional arrangements between the EU and the UK will expire. However, the EU GDPR will […]
Data Protection Post-Brexit: Business as Usual (at Least Until 2021)
The United Kingdom left the European Union at 11:00 pm on January 31, 2020. However, the UK has entered into transitional arrangements with the EU under which the existing data protection frameworks established by the GDPR, including the EU-US Privacy Shield, will continue to apply until December 31, 2020 (the period until […]

Brexit and its Possible Impact on Data Transfers
In its strictest construction, what ‘Brexit’ means is clear, what it entails and what comes next is absolutely not. Therefore, this article will not focus on matters relating to any such future relationship, but rather only on the terms on which the UK may leave the EU and how that […]