Tag: Cybersecurity
SEC Enforcement Targets Cybersecurity Disclosures Again
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler has pledged to bring a renewed focus to robust enforcement of the federal securities laws. As we observed in a recent blog post, under Chairman Gensler and Director Gurbir Grewal, the SEC’s Division of Enforcement will be more aggressive in several arenas—including public company […]
US Supreme Court Narrows Scope of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in Van Buren, Remands LinkedIn
On June 3, 2021, the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Van Buren v. United States in the Court’s first-ever interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the federal anti-hacking statute. Van Buren presented the question of whether someone “exceeds authorized access” under the CFAA, see 18 […]
The Long-awaited 2021 Cyber Executive Order
On May 12, 2021, the US president issued an “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.” The EO follows on the heels of the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, along with the Codecov and Solar Winds supply-chain attacks. While the EO focuses primarily on internal-government actions, the presidential order expresses hope […]
EU’s Artificial Intelligence Regulation – Tough Tests for Smart Products
EU proposal extends product safety, data protection and cybersecurity concepts to groundbreaking AI regulation What has happened? The European Commission has finally published its much-anticipated proposal for a broad regulation to cover the use of artificial intelligence in the EU. This is a world-first – no other jurisdiction has yet […]

European Commission Proposes Stricter, More Encompassing Cybersecurity Obligations for Companies
The last months of 2020 saw impressive legislative activity by the European Commission, as it rolled out proposals for several regulations (namely, the Data Governance Act, the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act), as well as proposed new Standard Contractual Clauses for international data transfers (expected to be […]

Improving Cyber Insurance Practice Should Be a Company’s Priority
The New York State Department of Financial Services recently issued guidance for New York-regulated property and casualty insurers to effectively manage the cyber insurance risk present in their insurance portfolio. The DFS’ guidance signals an effort to reduce overall volatility in the cyber insurance market, which has been compounded by […]

New York Department of Financial Services Launches Enforcement of Cybersecurity Rules
The New York Department of Financial Services recently initiated its first action to enforce the department’s cybersecurity regulation. The regulation has been in effect since March 1, 2017 and applies to all financial institutions regulated by the NY DFS.

US Guidance on Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information to Combat COVID-19
Companies are working hard to balance the privacy of their employees and the need to keep employees informed and safe. Many have encouraged employees and visitors to report if they experience COVID-19 symptoms or have otherwise been exposed to the virus through travel or their communities. They have collected this […]

FTC Increasingly Looks to Public Companies’ SEC Disclosures for Privacy and Cybersecurity Enforcement Opportunities
While the FTC does not make its initial privacy and cybersecurity investigations public, there have been reports that the FTC has initiated an increasing number of privacy and cybersecurity-related enforcement actions following disclosures of privacy or cybersecurity incidents by public companies in their SEC filings.
UK ICO Cites Inadequate M&A Data Protection Due Diligence as a Factor in Proposing $125M Breach Fine
On July 9, 2019, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) publicly announced its intent to impose a £99M (approximately $123M) GDPR fine on Marriott in connection with the discovery and notification of a data breach at Starwood. Among its justifications for the record fine, the ICO cited inadequate data protection […]