Tag: Health Care
Understanding Washington’s My Health My Data (MHMD) Act: Applicability, Scope and Requirements
On January 31, 2024, Cooley lawyers Brooke Fritz and Andrew Epstein led a virtual presentation on Washington state’s My Health My Data (MHMD) Act. Below are some key highlights from the discussion. The MHMD Act’s origins and purposes:In an effort to close the “gap” that exists between consumer knowledge and […]
Washington State’s My Health My Data Act FAQ, Part Three – Enforcement Risks
In Part Three of our FAQ series on Washington state’s My Health My Data (MHMD) Act, we answer questions related to the MHMD Act’s enforcement risks – including the much-feared private right of action. Given the MHMD Act’s broad scope, its private right of action, the potential for large certified […]
Washington Attorney General Publishes Updated FAQ for My Health My Data Act
Without much fanfare, the Washington attorney general’s office updated its My Health My Data (MHMD) Act guidance FAQ in January 2024. Specifically, the updated guidance states that the consumer health data privacy policy must have its own “separate and distinct link” on a regulated entity’s homepage and “may not contain […]
Washington State’s My Health My Data Act FAQ, Part Two – Requirements
In Part Two of our FAQ series on Washington state’s My Health My Data (MHMD) Act, we answer questions related to some of the act’s substantive requirements. As we explained in our previous FAQ, given the MHMD’s breadth – both to which entities and data it applies – regulated entities […]
Washington State’s My Health My Data Act FAQ, Part One – Applicability and Scope
In this multipart FAQ series, we break down Washington state’s My Health My Data (MHMD) Act (the “MHMD Act” or “Act”). The MHMD Act is arguably one of the most stringent privacy laws in the US, and it further complicates the already byzantine US-patchwork approach to privacy. While the MHMD […]

The Department of Health and Human Services Issues Guidelines on Cybersecurity
On December 28, 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) released the “Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP): Managing Threats and Protecting Patients” publication (the “Cybersecurity Guidelines”), which provides voluntary cybersecurity practices designed to reduce security risks and improve security for various healthcare organizations. Specifically, the Cybersecurity Guidelines […]